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Here‘s what others have to say

Cindy Maliniak
One of the first things Elizabeth asked me to do was to recognize the things that made me joyful as I went through my week. I didn‘t do it. I couldn‘t do it. I had no idea. I was just so tired and paralyzed. Stuck in the muck up to my neck.
I had no idea what I wanted, let alone how to discover the life that was buried inside me. I had lost touch with so much of what made me happy. I was exhausted and lost. I was hoping to find a way to walk through my days with a smile on my face: glad to be where I was; Happy to be married to the man I was with; able to make decisions based on what I needed.
I needed permission to NOT be the person I was “supposed” to be. I needed permission to stop “doing” and start feeling- I needed to know that I was here for a reason.
You can not imagine the things that I have been able to do over the last six months – tasks that were inconceivable before we started working together.
I have cleaned out my house. I have taken good care of my body, biking and yoga most days. I go places and say yes much more. I have tools that I can use to change my conversation with myself. I began to be playful with my husband and to enjoy who he “is” instead of focusing on the “isn’t”. (Very hard work when you have been together for 34 years – but amazing results.) I am readying myself for a new journey and I’m excited to see where I am led. After so many years of living a life defined by others I now have the pleasure of knowing what I want, and listening (most of the time).
I am still me, just brighter, shinier, authentic. Now, I believe that change is possible, that I am always being cared for, and that I have the power to create and choose a life for me that is second to none.
Connecting with Elizabeth was one the best gifts that I have ever been given. If you’re thinking about working with her, I have one word: JUMP!
Beth Allin
When I started working with Elizabeth, I was struggling with feelings of anxiety and a general lack of direction. I didn’t hate my job, but I longed to do work that was meaningful to me. I didn’t know how to trust my inner voice, and I was hoping to get clarity on what I was meant to do.
For me, the main resistance to hiring Elizabeth was the financial cost. I was ready to make the emotional investment in myself, but I wasn’t sure if I could afford the extra expense at the time. I knew that I didn’t want to stay in the same directionless place for another 10 years, so I decided to take on a part-time job that helped cover the cost of working with Elizabeth. I am so glad I did!
With Elizabeth‘s help, I took a lot of necessary risks that I hadn’t been taking prior to working with her. For example, Elizabeth helped me find the confidence to complete my application into a graduate school that I had dreamed of going to for years but had been too scared to even apply to. I am happy to say I will be starting classes this coming fall. I also re-dedicated myself to my day job, which resulted in a 20% pay raise, and I began a year-long relationship with a lovely man.
I used to spend so much of my energy beating myself up for my perceived failures or shortcomings. I trust myself more now, and I trust that I can create the life I want to be living.
If you are truly ready to take your life to a new and more satisfying place, Elizabeth will guide and support you every step of the way until you get there.
Michelle Vinciguerra
Before I started working with Elizabeth, I was wanting a change, but not knowing what direction to go. I went initially to lose weight, but within the first session I realized she could not only help me with those goals, but so many others I didn‘t even know I wanted.
Since working with Elizabeth, I am kinder and more accepting of myself and where I am now. I have tools to use when I need to get out of a funk and move forward. I have more confidence, and I have more community in my life.
I now know that it is possible to make huge positive changes and it doesn‘t have to be painful or stressful.
At first, I was afraid that I wouldn‘t get anything out of it since our sessions would be over the phone or by Skype. I found that I actually went deeper than I thought I ever could on the phone.
One call and you‘ll be convinced.
Gabriel Gargari
Before I met Elizabeth, I was feeling good overall, but I was at a point in my life where I needed help getting to that next level. I was creating a project that I was very passionate about, but struggling with getting out of my own way. I was thinking too much and needed to get another perspective in a consistent way.
Since I had never had a Life-coach before, I didn‘t have any expectations. Elizabeth was able to guide me with different exercises and tools I can use whenever I need.
Through our sessions, I started to have more confidence in myself. As I became more centered, loving, aware, and accepting of myself, I saw the ripple-effect of that love into all the other aspects of my life. My relationships with myself, money, work, body, and others really began to change.
More abundance in all aspects began to come in. People that didn‘t help create a genuine, loving, and good purpose in my Life began to fizzle out.
In our work, I have discovered I am a powerful human being! I really have the ability to make things happen in my life. I learned that my intuition is very strong, and my connection to God, the Universe, and myself is a realm that I truly have access to.
Elizabeth is someone that will meet you where you need to be met. When you are ready to move, she will move with you. Her instincts are great and I love collaborating with her and allowing myself to be open and vulnerable with her.
I justify the investment because of the results that I am seeing, feeling, and being.
If you are ready to transform your life, whether with baby steps or a full leap, she is a person that will help you do that, and then some!