Letters to Love

What would it feel like to keep coming back
to the voice and comfort of love for 30 days?
In your own practice,
in your own rhythm,
in your very own way

meet elizabeth
What is a Letter to Love, you ask?
Very simply, a Letter to Love is a way to communicate with (no surprise here) Love!
More practically, a Letter to Love is free writing from wherever you are, and whatever you are feeling — in letter or note format — to a place in you, or an energy bigger than you, that you imagine is just all love.
More deeply, a Letter to Love is a space to share — from working through triggers as they happen or sharing dreams just as they are beginning.
In a Letter to Love you can collapse, grow, see, be, rest, rage, wish, brag, recover and uncover (among many other things).
The practice of writing Letters to Love (and Letters from Love — more on this below!) brings me more peace than any other practice I do — to my current self and all my younger selves. Letters to Love are really that powerful!
What is a Letter from Love?
A Letter from Love is a letter or note also written by you, when you can connect to that place of all love and write back from there.
A Letter from Love comes when the voice of Love cuts through all the noise and worry and stress and can land us back in a place of peace, energy and oftentimes gives us a tangible what-to-do-next.
A Letter from Love can offer comfort, guidance, helpful insights, and relieving clarity.
A Letter from Love is a place to be seen, heard, held, comforted, ignited. It’s a place to connect with your dreams and have safe space to process emotions.
A Letter from Love is one thing that shifts, connects and inspires my energy for a whole day. It’s almost like getting a dose of peaceful inspiration every morning or every time I do it.
So Letters from Love are also very powerful!
So what exactly is the Letters to Love Experience?
Letters to Love is all about coming back to the voice, guidance, comfort, inspiration and truth of Love for the month of May.
During this experience, we’ll each explore our own practice and our own rhythm with writing (speaking, dancing, crafting) Letters to Love — while being surrounded by support, inspiration, and loving energy over the course of 30 days.
In Letters to Love, I will be your guide as you find (or come back to) your own practice of writing Letters to and from Love. To hold space as you:
- Clarify who exactly you are writing to
- Explore how to actually feel that connection back from Love
- Discover the language, medium, and rhythm in a practice that fits you best
- Feel more peace in your life as you deepen your unique Letters to Love practice
My Invitation to You
Letters to love has not only changed my life, it has been the key practice that has helped create my life, move through disappointment and loss, and connect with courage and energy to step into the next chapter that was calling me forward.
I’m so deeply honored to make this experience and practice available to you.
This 30 day experience will include :
A 90-minute Welcoming Class where we’ll talk about:
» What is a Letter to Love?» How do you want to write a letter/postcard/note to Love?
» How to write a Letter back from Love?
» What is your rhythm/timing with this practice honoring exactly how your life is right now?
» Are you drawn to writing ‘Letters’ or is a different practice feeling better to you?
» Support, encouragement and fun about this practice and the month of May!
» My practice and experience with Letters to Love
» Exercises so you can gain clarity (and excitement) about your own version of the practice.
Weekly audio prompts to guide you back to your unique practice, ways to make it more fun and enjoyable,
and encouragement for this practice to meet you right where you are.
Two weekly gathering ‘Letter Writing’ Calls. These audio-only calls will be a time where you can call in, Elizabeth will lead a 2-minute grounding and then will give a prompt so you can write to & from Love while the space is held for you.
One 60-minute Mid-Month Check-In call – to reconnect & reinspire
A 90-minute Closing Class where we’ll talk about:
» What were the most beautiful take-aways from the month?
» What doesn’t work for you with this practice? What does?
» Other ways to connect to Love
» Clarity on the Letters to Love practice you want to take with you into the Summer
Fun surprises to support & energize you during the month!

Perhaps you write one note per day.
Perhaps you write one long letter a week.
Perhaps you barely write anything at all.
But you think or speak letters to love as you go about your day.
Seems to me, any time we’re connecting to love is worth it.
Weekly Themes
Week 1: Week 1: Letters to and from Love
Week 2: Bringing Your Worries to Love
Week 3: Bringing Your Dreams to Love
Week 4: Receiving Clarity from Love

Monday, May 1
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm EST

Monday, May 15
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm EST

Wednesday, May 31st
6:00 pm to 7:30 pm EST
*All classes will be recorded and the recordings will be available through May.
The investment is one payment of $220 or two payments of $115
Sliding scale options are available. Please email Elizabeth at elizabeth@elizabethjohnson.net